Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Life is basis on whose?
At the time your mother is pregnant carrying you in her womb, do you decide yourselve how you want to look when you come out into this world? But you see everybody around is just the same as you; one head with big brain, two hands and two legs.With the big brain, makes you distinguished from the animals which walk on four legs on the ground.While animals live and dissappears altogether with this world WHEN THE END COMES, but not mankind.Men will face the sufferings in a dreadful tortureous environment and in a degrading situation-NAKED with not even any clothes on or even an olive-leaf crown (YOUR STATUS).Waiting in line- one followed by the other, a meet-cum-dialogue session to answer to GOD what makes them do what they do on this world- that life is all about their tastes?!! Eg.like what is their taste about food, their hair, their body tattoos, their body piercings(ARTISTIC), their partners in lust (SEX), their gambles with luck (LUCKY THAN OTHERS??), their rights to do what they do (COMPARE), their freedom of expressions (TALENTS), their fashion (NONSENSE), their styles of music, their company of friends (MORE HAPPY??) etc.Like their slogan-chantings, "Life is short, so live to enjoy!" or "One life, so live it!" or "Everybody rocks, be happy!" or "Life is freedom!"

When you burn papers to offer offerings to the spirits you will see a pile of dirty, burnt rubbish on that spot.If you ask another person what he or she sees to their eyes, their answers- that it is NOTHING, not even near to beautiful.So what you did is only make dirty, burnt rubbish and somebody else feeling angry to clean up after you.
Some like to walk their pet dogs at the corridors and void decks but they don't show any considerations to other people by refusing to remove their pet droppings appropriately.If you cannot stand the pungent smell of your pet droppings, it is just the same to other people.Why then do you keep pets if you cannot maintain their cleanliness?!

At a TV studio there is a recording of a rock music show.The show hosts are really prepared to put the right settings and atmosphere of a rock show.They SHOUT LOUD (like everybody is almost deaf) using the microphones and they are dressed in basic rock fashion(easternly style).In between the rock groups singing, there are dancers performing in very sexy outfits.Even a few groups of tudong women were also rock fans among the spectators.One of the show hosts quipped these words, "I can just drink anything man, no problem!".These rockers group want to show that their ways are fun and happy, becoming DRUNKS and DRUG ABUSERS.They do not care about law and order, they dirty every places with rubbish and they make troubles, breaking and damaging public properties (ARGUE, BARGAIN, COMPARE- ABC DOG trademark logo).And why were the tudong women at the shows watching sexy, scantily clad people on stage making dirty gestures??!!


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